пятница, 20 октября 2017 г.

Tummy trouble is no fun, especially when its the kind that comes between you and your favorite two-piece. While no swim stroke specifically targets abdominal muscles, freestyle is an aerobic activity that burns calories while effectively working your core. The right freestyle drills can absolutely help. Swimming freestyle with an emphasis on flutter and dolphin kicking drills at least twice a week can help tone abs and burn the calories needed for overall weight loss.

Tummy trouble is no fun, especially when its the kind that comes between you and your favorite two-piece. While no swim stroke specifically targets abdominal muscles, freestyle is an aerobic activity that burns calories while effectively working your core. The right freestyle drills can absolutely help. Swimming freestyle with an emphasis on flutter and dolphin kicking drills at least twice a week can help tone abs and burn the calories needed for overall weight loss.

Original article and pictures take https://woman.thenest.com site

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